Give Better Feedback

Are you afraid to give feedback for fear of offending or upsetting someone?

Do you worry your feedback won't be well-received or even make the situation worse?

Giving feedback is a challenging part of any relationship, but it's also critically important for improving performance, strengthening understanding, and building trust. Done right, feedback can be a gift that fosters growth. Done poorly, it can damage connections and stall progress.

In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn a practical framework for providing feedback that is useful, actionable, and helps the receiver feel heard and supported rather than attacked. We'll address common concerns like:

  • How do I deliver critical feedback without coming across as too harsh or judgmentalĀ 
  • What's the best way to structure feedback so the person actually listens and wants to apply it?
  • How can I get people to be receptive to my feedback instead of getting defensive?
  • And what if the feedback isn't well received - how can I still maintain a good relationship?

You'll also learn how to actively solicit feedback for yourself in a way that draws out helpful insights instead of just positive or negative comments. Walk away feeling confident you have the right tools to request, receive, and deliver feedback in a way that strengthens connections and fosters growth.

Deepening Your SAVIĀ® Skills:
Giving & Receiving Feedback

Wednesday - Friday

May 1 - 3 and 8 - 10

9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Ā (18 hours of interactive instruction over Zoom)


Registration is now closed.
To learn about future SAVIĀ® Workshop dates, emailĀ [email protected]Ā Ā 



CompletedĀ an Introduction to SAVIĀ®Ā Workshop
OR read Conversation Transformation
(available for purchase here).

Your Trainers

Ben Benjamin co-authored Conversation Transformation with Anita Simon and Amy Yeager. He is a Senior Certified SAVIĀ® Trainer and has developed, implemented and taught SAVI trainings across health care, corporate, educational, and
non-profit organizational settings and uses SAVI in his executive coaching practice.

Alida Zweidler-McKay has worked as a consultant and coach for over 20 years, helping individuals and teams clarify goals, build skills, improve communications and increase their capacity for productive partnerships. She is a Certified SAVI® Trainer, and also a Certified SAVI® Master Coder. She has a B.A. from Swarthmore College and has an M.B.A. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. 

What participants say...


"The SAVI® Feedback workshop was quite literally life-changing for me, and I recommend it to anyone who communicates!"

Jennifer Dean
Director of the Frances Willson Thompson Library at University of Michigan-Flint


"Attending the SAVI® workshop was a unique opportunity to improve our communication skills. It was helpful to identify the best approaches we can take in interactions with others - understanding their perspectives while explaining ours."

Hitesh Patel
Sr. Security Specialist


"I loved our group! I enjoyed every single person's perspective so much."

Julie Muse
Owner at Willow's Edge Massage Therapy


"This has been a wonderful, excellent investment of my time and money."

Gerry Gorelick
Gerald Gorelick & Associates, Inc.


“Thank you for the careful construction of this workshop, and what seemed to be a lot of prep to make it flow well.”

Brent Elwood
Training Director: University Counseling Center

“I like having a system, especially when your head is in a red zone or confused. It gives you something you can rely on outside yourself to guide you – a path out of the weeds.”

Danyelle Pearson

“I really appreciated how long we spent on subtly understanding tone and how that communicates so much more than just the actual words we’re saying."

Sunada Takagi

“This workshop was eye-opening and life changing. I'm very grateful. As an educator, it is paramount that I communicate effectively to promote learning. This workshop has undoubtedly handed me those tools.”

Tammy Richardson, R.N. 


"This has been a wonderful experience for me.”

Tina Schifano
Manager, Enterprise Data Center Operations


Questions? Email [email protected]